Blue Jays’ Ryan Shopshire on breaking camp

Hello Readers,

The season is right around the corner. Yeah, yeah! I enjoy being out on the field refining my skills, but I would rather get the games underway already. I cannot wait until the teams are formed and bonds are created amongst teammates. Sitting in the dugout, learning about one another, is a great thing to do. We all share many of the same goals, but one that is always universal is the goal to succeed. One way that success can be created is by winning. I believe having the same goals as teammates will lead to success and wins. The teams will be formed soon enough, and the camaraderie will follow. Until then, all players, including myself, will continue to work hard to showcase our skills during the little time we have left.

These last few weeks have prepared me for the long season ahead, which I feel I am ready for. I have kept to my own during spring this year. I have had good days and bad days — which makes me better, because every day I learn more about my skills on the mound and learn new baseball knowledge along the way. The players in this organization are fortunate to be surrounded by many helpful staff members. Most have played in the Major Leagues — not sucking up as much knowledge as possible from them would be unwise. This great staff will help guide the players in their baseball careers. Learning from these people day in and day out over the spring has improved everyone’s skills between the lines. There are not many days left in spring, which is nice, but I know to never take a day for granted.

Spring training is winding down. For all the players who are fortunate enough to make a full-season team, there is only one week left. This last week will be filled with many different emotions. Many individuals will be disappointed on where they’re starting the season, others will be joyous and some will no longer be a part of the organization’s future, which is always full of mixed emotions. Being a minor league player, one should be grateful for how far he has made it in his career. Never take a day for granted because you don’t know when your career will end. Every player out here this spring is very good. That’s the reason they’re here. There are some very good baseball players that will be let go. I believe the biggest question an organization asks itself when deciding on a player is this: Can he play in the big leagues for us? We are all trying to achieve this goal, but it is not suited for all. A lot is going to happen in this last week. All I can say is, hang with them boys.

I want to finish this post by saying “thank you” followers for all the support that I have received from this blog. I am very grateful for all the comments and likes that I have been receiving this last month. I hope that it continues, and if you have suggestions and/or comments, please feel free to share. One last thing:  Please share this blog with anyone you think will enjoy reading it. I will write again, next week, after finding out where I’ll be playing this year. Until then, stay safe and don’t take anything for granted, because never know how long it will last.

Ryan Shopshire
John 3:16