MLB’s reaction to the death of Osama bin Laden

On May 1, 2011, President Barrack Obama announced that Osama bin Laden, the long-hunted mastermind behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the U.S., had been killed. The president called it the “most significant achievement to date” in the effort to defeat al Qaeda.

“Justice has been done,” Obama said. “A small team of Americans carried out the operation. After a firefight, they killed Osama bin Laden and took custody of his body.”

Members of the NYFD celebrate the news. (The New York Times)

Bin Laden was more than just a mass-murdering terrorist.  He had become a symbol for other anti-Western World organizations that they could carry out horrific acts and get away with them. The decisiveness of this action and the details of bin Laden’s last minutes on Earth will hopefully become another symbol for the repercussions for mongering such hatred.

And while this doesn’t necessarily mean we get to stop taking off our shoes for airport security, this is hopefully a significant step toward some semblance of world peace.

Here’s how baseball players around the country responded:

Coco Crisp @Coco_Crisp
“We found Waldo Aka… Bin Laden, killed by U.S. Forces in Pakistan. Body in U.S. custody. WOW FINALY”

Jensen Lewis @JLEWFifty
“See ya Bin Laden! #USA! #USA!”

Joel Hanrahan @hanrahan4457
“What a day for the US!!!  I always love listening to the national anthem, but tomorrow is going to be that much sweeter!! #hegone”

C.J. Wilson @str8edgeracer
“Jack Bauer defeats reigning international hide and go seek champion! #headshot let’s be honest though – this is still an ongoing issue”

Torii Hunter @toriihunter48
“Great day for the US. Don’t forget about those who fell from his devilish acts. Be blessed and all Goodnight.”

Dallas Braden @DALLASBRADEN209
“no more terrorist playing cards, time 4 terrorist twister! left A$ cheek on kadafi. can I see a body tho? could b hangin’ w/2pac and Elvis.”

Jon Lester @JLester31
“Job well done to our troops”

Ozzie Guillen @OzzieGuillen
“Good job USA”