On The Mic: Fabiaschi starts his season

It’s been a little more difficult to sit down and write since the season has started. But, my parents and an old friend (and reporter for the Republican American) that I just talked to today, Joe Palladino, have reminded me that I need to keep up with my updates. So here I am, now about a week and a half into the season with the Vermont Lake Monsters. It has certainly been a different experience for me than last summer, mostly because I’m playing in the northeast rather than the northwest. Last summer, we opened up in Eugene, Ore., and I didn’t know anyone of the nearly 5,000 in attendance. This year, our opening series was in Troy, NY, where I saw my parents and my sister, as Troy is only about 90 miles from Torrington. Last summer, it was a very big trip for my parents to get out to Vancouver, but this year, they have already seen games in Troy, Vt., and Lowell, Mass. Rather than walking to the closest restaurant from our hotel after a game, I’ve been treated to dinner by my parents. Needless to say, I have been a little spoiled thus far this summer (and I’ve pocketed some meal money on the road, which never hurts). Obviously, I am very close to my family and spend as much time with them as possible, especially during a busy season, where it’s usually a rare occasion to see them.

When leaving the clubhouse tonight and letting my manager, Rick Magnante, know that I was leaving with my dad rather than the team bus for the third night in a row, he dropped a great line on me. He said “Fab, you can’t get enough of your folks, huh? You’re going to be like a true Italian, living with your parents your whole life.” I couldn’t help but laugh and let him know that I have no problem with that … for the time being.

On the field, I have experienced some of the same things I went through last summer — some successes and some failures. I played two out of our first three games of the season and had two hits along with a pair of walks and a HBP. I added a two-RBI single in the next game I played, along with two walks. Most recently, on Monday, I went 0-for-3 with a couple of strikeouts. But, those are the normal ups and downs of a long baseball season — we play 76 games in 80 days this summer. I haven’t been an everyday starter, but there is plenty of time to earn that spot. For now, I’m just enjoying being close to home and having my family and friends get a chance to see me play. Some haven’t seen me play since high school, so this is certainly a once-in-a-lifetime experience. We are playing in Norwich, Conn., this Thursday and Friday. Game time is 7:05 p.m. at Dodd Stadium.

As always, you can follow my stats or anyone else in the minor leagues at the Minor League Baseball website. Here is the link to my page.

Hope to see some of you soon. God Bless.