Scooping the Texas Rangers podcast: Our winter of discontent


What’s the latest with Josh Hamilton? Listen to the podcast and find out. (Ezra Shaw/Getty Images)

On this addition of the Scooping the Texas Rangers podcast, Jeff Johnson and I talk about the fall out from the Winter Meetings and how the Rangers are now being compared to the type of off-season the Dallas Mavericks just went through, losing out on a few of the biggest free agents on the market.

With Zack Greinke now in the Los Angeles, James Shields getting traded to Kansas City, and Arizona Diamondbacks’ GM Kevin Towers essentially putting the boots to any further Justin Upton trade rumors, fans in North Texas are left to wonder, “what’s next?”

We talk about that very question and throw some names against the proverbial, “who’s available,” dart board to see who sticks and who just falls to the floor.

All that and some information regarding Josh Hamilton for you to chew on, on this addition of the Scooping the Texas Rangers podcast.