TTFB fantasy league: We want challengers!

So, I recently received an email from a member who joined our fantasy league and our mailing list recently. Expressed how much he loved the site then proclaimed that he will win the Through The Fence Baseball Fantasy League Open! I was stunned. He said it over again at the end of the email. Said it just like this:

I will win it anyways and become a writer on your site!

Kinda cocky, huh?

What can you do about it? You guys can do a lot, we have a few more spots open here guys (or gals, we already have some expressing interest). Draft will be taking place no matter how many join. Are you really going to let him win the league??

Read about the league here…..

Respond with comments if your in, or you can follow the leaders and send an email expressing your interest. Your choice. Who is the next challenger?

Any questions? Shoot us an email: