Touring with Taylor: Playoff race in June?

Taylor is getting ready for the final push in the first half.

Greetings from Lansing, MI!

The first half of the minor league season is coming to a close already, with only six games left to play. It seems like just yesterday I was reporting to early camp and then spring training; however, that was already four months ago. Now, teams across the country, and in different leagues, are finding themselves in a playoff race and fighting for the end of the season. A big distinction between minor leagues and the big leagues is the playoff format.

The layout for minor leagues essentially creates two seasons, whereas the major league lays out as one long season. Meaning, winners of each half in the minors gets into the playoffs automatically, and usually a wild card, as well. This format has a tendency to work out better for teams here in the minors because of all the player movement from team to team. Unlike the big leagues, who will see a couple players come and go, minor league teams see guys moved all of the time. Also, this prevents teams in the minors from falling too far out of reach for even the second half, and disintegrating the drive to succeed for the players.

With all that said, the Silverhawks are five games out with six games to go, and our chances are dwindling in the first half.  Nonetheless, we still aren’t mathematically eliminated yet because we play our last six games against two teams who are ahead of us.  Basically it boils down to us having to take care of our business, and then hoping for some good luck to help us back door our way into the first half.

I’ll keep you posted as we endeavor through the end of the first half.