As mentioned in the post announcing our fantasy leagues, participants will be chosen by correctly answering trivia questions. We have begun the journey to find the lucky 18 to compete in our public league — the winner of which will not only be invited to compete in next season’s Staff League, but will also receive a very special gift in the mail.
In order to compete, you must respond to this post with a comment in the following format:
- Name
- E-mail Address
- Answer
If you are one of the first two to supply the right answer, Jamie will be contacting you at the e-mail you supplied to send you an invite to the league. So, without any further ado, here is the trivia question:
In the early 1900s, as the United States Government slowly begin to force out the local Lakota tribes of the Black Hills, boarding schools for Native American youth were setup — the most famous of which operated in Carlisle, Pennsylavnia.
The schools helped introduced Native American youth to the national pastime. But, one of the most interesting stories to come out of the Carlisle Boarding school was that of the first ever Native American professional baseball umpire.
With that, today’s trivia question is: Please provide the name of the first Native American to serve as a professional baseball umpire. Additionally, you will receive much kudos from me (Brad) if you can also provide the correct nickname of this individual as dubbed by the local newspaper of the time.
AGAIN: Only the first two correct answers will receive invitations to the fantasy league. Good luck!