I’m back with more realistic optimism for O’s fans. I know what you’re thinking: The Yankees just kicked our asses all over Camden Yards. That’s a very small snapshot when thinking of a 162-game season. I would love to humiliate the Yankees along with their stadium-invading fans as much as the next guy.
Speaking of stadium-invading fans, if you’re from Maryland and have no actual ties with New York, you are not a Yankees fan. There are many names for you; I will choose gravy trainer. You’re a freakin’ gravy trainer. You jumped on a winning team’s band wagon instead of sticking it out with the rest of us. Baltimore Ravens jerseys and New York Yankees hats make you look like a complete idiot. You might as well wear Cowboys gear with your New York paraphernalia. So, do us all a favor and stay home. There’s no room for winners-only fans at Camden Yards.
Yankees fans that make the trip from New York or relocated to Baltimore from New York, feel free to come and support your team. We don’t want you there, but can’t fault fans supporting their team. Gravy trainers, do us a favor and watch the game in front of your rent-a-center flat screen with your life-size Troy Aikman poster, Derek Jeter jersey and Lakers hat. We don’t need fake fans at Camden Yards.
In all seriousness, the Jake Arrieta outing was a tough loss, but a great showcase for our young starters. If you’re not encouraged by guys like Arrieta, Zach Britton and Jeremy Guthrie I’m not sure what’s going to do it. Brian Matusz will return soon, and we’ll have a four-starter rotation that, aside from typical young pitcher shaky outings, will be fun to watch.
If you want to worry about something, worry about the bullpen. Overpaid Mike Gonzalez and Kevin Gregg are the leading causes of high blood pressure in Baltimore. Yes, I said you’re both overpaid — start shutting down teams and I will shut my mouth. Do your freakin’ jobs! Buck, please don’t be afraid to use Jim Johnson for two innings and bring Koji Uehara to close it out. We need Koji to pick up a couple more saves so Gregg will let him be one of the boys. Try being a supportive teammate Gregg, and stop running your mouth about what you did last year, we know. That’s why we brought you here. Now, try doing it this year.
Once again, O’s fans, we need to be patient. The realistic optimism is an 81-81 record. Finishing .500 with more O’s fans in the seats and a positive attitude in the clubhouse will help bring the one or two free agents here for our future.