9. Taylor Guerrieri
On August 18, Taylor Guerrieri struck out Max Kepler on a change up that reached just over 3,400 rotations per minute while traveling 81.8 mph. Kepler had no chance.
8. Joe Kelly
Throwing a knuckle curve, Joe Kelly struck out Marcell Ozuna with a pitch that hit 88 mph with a spin rate of 3,405 rotations per minute.
7. Ryan Pressly
A 83.9 mph change up from Pressly sent Nolan Arenado back to the dug out. The pitch, tossed on July 2, had a spin rate of 3,422.
6. Seth Lugo
To be fair, Seth Lugo had seven pitches in 2019 that topped out over 3,000 rotations per minute. But this one, against Max Kepler on July 16 was just nasty – a 83.1 mph change up with 3,476 rotations per minute.
5. Dillon Maples
In the bottom of the ninth on May 5, Dillon Maples unleashed this 90.8 mph slider to strike out Mitch Haniger. The pitched traveled 3,461 rotations per minute.
4. Sam Dyson
Striking out Jordy Mercer on August 30, this slider from Sam Dyson topped out at 83.8 mph and 3,474 rotations per minute.
3. Kyle Crick
This is the nastiest of balls Kyle Crick tossed throughout the 2019 season. Crick actually threw 17 pitches that reacher 3,400 rotations per minute or more. But this nasty little guy – a 80.7 mph slider with 3,507 rotations per minute – struck out Orlando Arcia on June 2nd.
2. Amir Garrett
At 3,512 rotations per minute, this untouchable 85.8 mph slider from Amir Garrett caught Adam Frazier looking.
1. Garrett Richards
Barely topping Amir Garrett for the top spot, this 82 mph change up from Garrett Richards maxed at 3,515 rotations per minute and struck out Josh Rojas swinging.