Twitter has become a massive network where information is always guaranteed withinseconds. Many Twitter sites have sprung up dedicated to baseball. Each one gives a uniqueaccount on the game. Here are few of the ones I cannot live without.
This site is dedicated to the history of baseball. From tweets like February 28th postingstating, “2000 NY #Yankees OF/DH Darryl Strawberry is suspended for one year after testingpositive for cocaine. #MLB” to March 1st posting recalling “1954 On Day 1 of spring training,#RedSox OF Ted Williams breaks his collarbone, and will miss the first four weeks of theseason. #MLB”, @ThisDateInBBALL offers an assortment of facts from every aspect ofbaseball.
If you want to know about the fundamental rules of baseball, this Twitter account is the answerto your call. @rulebookguru is an umpire’s slant that not only discusses the nuances of the rulesof the game but analyzes and explains the difference between why “[o]bstruction is on fielders”and “ interference on runners.” as well as showcase tweets that offer a deeper understanding ofwhat it takes to make the calls at the plate.
Look to Trevor McCue for tweets with incite on all things Major League. From up to date scoresto witty posts such as “Derek Jeter looks off-balance with his new batting stance. #Yankeescaptain says he has batted the same way since he was 8.”, Trevor’s unique view is entertainingand informative.
Their purpose is clear, a site that “digs deep for analysis, gets down and dirty with interviews,and uncovers the latest baseball news”. @MLBdirt takes analysis to another dimension. Withgraphs and charts, look to the dirt guys to break down the past with the present and give you awhole new spin baseball today.